20 years of Heaven Hotel Presents releases
Exciting times, 3 new Heaven Hotel releases, 5 Heaven Hotel label nights with live Heaven Hotel bands..
We’ll start by proudly presenting The Tone Zones, a 2 man surf-electronica band featuring Elko Blijweert and Milan Warmoeskerken, check their band page here
Their brand new vinyl is ready, and can be pre-ordered in our shop There are original interpretations of The Pyramids, The Ventures, The Shadows and – cultband avant la lettre – The Jokers and Front 242.
You can see them live on our label nights!
Then there is the new Tape Cuts Tape vinyl, expected around March 13.
Also available for pre-ordering in our shop. This one can be obtained as vinyl or CD, your choice.
Tape Cuts Tape improvises, and are Rudy Trouvé – Eric Thielemans – Lynn Cassiers

And then, to celebrate, there is a double vinyl (comes with free CD), God Owes Us a Swimming Pool.
26 tracks with a pretty good overview of what has been released on Heaven Hotel.
What’s more, the whole compilation album can be streamed for free!
We hope you enjoy our new site, new releases, and hope to see you on one of the label nights!