Although this website has been suspiciously silent for a while, Heaven Hotel’s key members certainly haven’t.

The follow-up record to “Pawlowski, Trouvé & Ward”, which came out ten years ago, has finally been released through Jezus Factory and Heaven Hotel. You can stream it and buy a digital copy here. Cd and vinyl copies are available through Jezus and should soon be stocked in our shop as well.

Elko Blijweert is featured as Elko B. on Ekster‘s eksellent (sorry) second instalment of its “Exo” compilation series. He is currently finishing the follow-up record to “Left Bank Drive” together with Joris Caluwaerts, Simon Lenski and Frans Van Isacker.

Rudy Trouvé has arranged and produced Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung‘s 25th anniversary album. On top of that, he is currently slaving away at the album’s artwork as well as the band’s new live visuals. The release date is set for the 12th of May and will be accompanied by a concert at De Studio in Antwerp.

Never busy enough, Mr. Trouvé also collaborated with Intige Taluure (aka Phlitman & Kang) on a cassette tape which was released in November of last year through Bananafishin’ Records. We will hopefully be stocking some copies soon.

Keep an eye on this website for some very exciting news which I’m not allowed to disclose as of yet.

While you’re waiting, enjoy the most recent Mixcloud episode of Elko & Jeroen’s “Het Kralenspel” radio show.

Happy New Year!

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